what is the energy of the sun

Q63 – Why is the sun bright and where does it take its energy from?

Question 63

Why is the sun bright and where does it take its energy from?


Have you ever wondered why and how the sun shines? We asked this to ourselves and created a short video in which we explain these processes. Additionally we asked an expert about this topic to be able to understand this process better.

Expert’s Comment:

Name: Mr. Dumm, Urania Sternwarte

Können Sie uns erklären, wie der Vorgang von der Wärmeentstehung im Innern der Sonne bis zum Ausstoss der Wärme von der Sonne abläuft?

Im Innern der Sonne wird bei der Kernfusion von Wasserstoff zu Helium Masse in Gammastrahlung umgewandelt (E = m * c2). Jede Sekunde ca. 1 Mio. Tonnen Masse. Die Gammastrahlung gelangt durch viele Streuungen, Absorptionen und Re-Emissionen an die Sonnenoberfläche, wo das Gas dadurch eine Temperatur von 5700 Grad hat. Die Oberfläche leuchtet daher primär im optischen Licht, aber auch im Infraroten und Ultraviolett (UV).


With this teamwork we have made very good experiences. It was interesting to do research about our question and most of all to film the video. The sun is an important part in our life. The fact that without the sun the survival of the humanity would be impossible is important for us to know, also it is important that we realize that we are only a very small and dependent part of the universe. 🙄


The Music we used in our Video:

Tipps & Tricks for iMovie:

  • take enough time
  • have a plan
  • if you have any questions go on youtube. there may be a pretty good description.
  • use voiceovers if you need to explane something in your movie
  • take the right export option
  • stabilize the shaky sequences of your movie with the „video stabilization“
  • last but not least: just enjoy the time and be creative!

Vanja, Natalie & Noëlle – Team Q63

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6 thoughts on “Q63 – Why is the sun bright and where does it take its energy from?

  1. Dear Team,

    You\’ve aroused my interest with your topic. I never asked myself where the sun takes its energy from and it was very interesting to read through your informations.

    The video you\’ve made is great. The idea and how you transacted it. I was very impressed. You did a great job.

    Best wishes!

  2. Dear Team
    When I looked at the video, I\’ve just thought WoW! A Team with a lot of creativity.
    Even before publication, I was very curious about your final project and you didn\’t disappoint me. With this exceptionally method you had my attention until the end.
    Well done girls!
    P.S. Albert Einstein looks fresh!

  3. Hi Vanja, Noelle & Natalie

    Firstly, you really did a great job! Congrats 🙂

    Our team also created a video therefore I know how much work you have put in it! I really enjoyed watching it because it\’s different than the other ones. I can imagine it wasn\’t easy to explain the sun with such simple but cute drawings! But you tried your best as a team and the result is just great!

    Best wishes,
    Natalie VZB/ Q28

  4. Hey Q63 Team

    I really like your video. I think it is a very nice way to explain your question in this way, with those paintings, because even a person who doesn\’t know a lot about those sun things can understand it.
    And its a lot of work behind this video, because you had to draw all those pictures and after that, you had to make the video and cut it. I really appreciate your work!
    I think we do not often think about the fact how important the sun actually is. Because its just there. Your video made me thoughtful und thankful.
    I do not have anything say about how you could improve your work.
    Well done!

    Best wishes, Larissa

  5. Hey Girls!
    What an amazing video! I really like how you created the video, it\’s something different in comparison to other learn- and informationvideos. It really catched my attention! 🙂 What I especially like was that you explained it with pictures, I think a lot oft people can therefore understand it better!
    A question what also catched my attention was: Hört die Sonne jemals auf zu Scheinen? because I already asked this to myself. I would like to know more about the answer of this question because I want to know what it means: Ja, aber sie hat noch Miliarden Jahre Brennstoff. About what does this depend on? Maybe you can help me to find the answer. 🙂
    Actually I don\’t have any improvement advices because I think the video is really good!

    All the best! 🙂

  6. Dear Q63 Team
    I watched your pretty cool video and I think it\’s gorgeous! I use also a mac at home with the \”i-movie\”program. I tried last time to do a short video, but it\’s harder then I thought! But you posted some useful tips for it and I\’m going to turn it over my next project, because I think your result of the movie is viewable.

    According to your project I would say, that everything is well explained through your short video. This is a great way to show and explain at the same time. And you were so creative! I think our sun is just so mystic and it fascinates me to see how dependant we are from the sun. It\’s also a little bit scary I think.

    What I am interested in is, what would happen if there is no sun anymore? Would there be another way of living or are we all going to die? Are there any theses about or does our science not focus on that? What do you think?

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