The Website Project “w2w” 2016/17 is completed


Discover the life cycle of every-day things!

The project started with the idea of having a website created by students last year. And it worked out fine!

After launching the website “Don’t waste my energy” a year ago, this year’s topic wasDon’t waste my resources!”. All website contributions have been created by students within the new (bilingual) teaching subject “Technik & Umwelt”.

The life cycles of 25 “things” had to be discovered as far and as intensely as possible in the given time by 63 students: i.e. finding the roots of its origin (e.g. natural resources, mineral resources, natural/artificial substances, biological/technical cycles) and its end of life (end of pipe) or rebirth (reuse, recycle, etc.).

Brand new was the teams’ way of propagation: For the making of and our website promotion social media channels had been involved. The teams experimented with interaction channels as facebook, instagram, twitter & reddit.

w2w – The students’ website project is completed!
8 happy moments of the website creation team

Some contributions/eine Auswahl an Beiträgen:


More Information about “The horse concept”

Check our project website

Videos about the project (2016)

  1. Working & interaction platform “The horse”
  2. Energy website “”


☷ See the project teams here »
☵ Some words about the contributions »
☴ Our sponsors and partners » (

One thought on “The Website Project “w2w” 2016/17 is completed

  1. Ich habe mich nun ein wenig auf der Webseite verweilt und habe so manchen interessanten und unterhaltsamen Beitrag entdecken können. Gratuliere euch zu diesem spannenden Projekt!

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