The everlasting tarpaulin bag

Interesting fact: All the materials of our product «a bag made out of tarpaulin» is recycled. They have a never ending lifecycle, because the idea of the bag is to use it for more than a life time without getting a lot of damage.


We got interested in bags made out of tarpaulin (Blache), especially Freitag bags, because we observed more and more people using one. We decided to follow a life cycle of a bag made out of tarpaulins, because we heard it is an environmental friendly product.

The fact lorry tarpaulins are recycled to bags expandens the life cycle of those. Therefore it is environmental friendly. Nevertheless, lorry tarpaulins are originally made out of crude oil, which is extremely difficult to dispose. However, because of the long life span, we still recommend to use bags made out of tarpaulin. We show you the reason for it in the following contribution.

The life cycle of a bag made of tarpaulin

life cycle of a tarpaulin bag
life cycle of a tarpaulin bag

1) Crude oil / Erdöl

crude oil
crude oil

In the beginning, there is crude oil that has to be extracted deep in the soil. Afterwards, through a chemical reaction (chemische Reaktion) called polymerisation (Polymerisation), the crude oil is made into Polyester.


2) Polyester plastic / Polyestergewebe


The polyester has to be made into many fibers (Fasern). Polyester fibers are made through a process called melt spinning (Schmelzspinnverfahren).

Melted polyester is put into a funnel (Trichter) and pressed through the spinning nozzle (Spinndüse). Because of the high developed production techniques thin and small fibers can be manufactured.

Those polyester fibers will be woven (verweben) with each other, therefore, become’s mesh (Geflecht).

3) Lorry trapaulins / LKW Planen


The meshwork will be further be produced into a lorry tarpaulin.

Because polyester is an extremely robust, water resistant and hard-wearing product it is extremely suitable for lorry tarpaulins. Those tarpaulins are used for many years until the companies decide that they are worn out.

4) Reproduction to a bag / Neuproduktion zu einer Tasche

cutting tarpaulin
cutting tarpaulin

This is exactly the moment where companies become involved. For example the company Freitag, which buys second-hand tarpaulins to reuse them. Furthermore, they even have some, so called, truck spotters who go to high way service areas to acquire (akquirieren) tarpaulins.

hacking and carving tarpaulin
hacking and carving tarpaulin

When the tarpaulins arrive in the factory, they have to free them from belts, straps and other things they do not need. Afterwards, the tarpaulins are hacked and carved to smaller pieces. They also have to be washed. From there, the best designs are chosen, cut and sew together into a lovely bag.

This process prolongs the lifespan of the tarpaulins extensively. Thus, it is an environmental friendly way of using tarpaulins. More:

5) Disposal / Entsorgung


The reason for the environmental friendly hidden motive lies in the beginning of the life cycle of crude oil. It is a highly durable material, which takes up to 450 years to decompose. The problem with it is that it releases chemicals in the process, some of which are toxic. More: Focus Terra Presentation

Fortunately, Freitag products are supposed to last almost a lifetime. This implies that those bags do not have to be deposed of.


We believe that bags made out of tarpaulin are a good way of expanding the life cycle tarpaulins, belts, etc. Therefore, it is an environmental friendly product that should be supported. It is amazing how long Lasting such a product is. Many of them have a longer life span than humans.

Main Sources
The Freitag shop (

Géraldine Waldvogel, Michelle Sach, Fabienne Rochaix

Interview partner
We interviewed an employee from the Freitag shop in Zurich to gain information about the production process and the environmental aspects of a bag made out of tarpaulin. Because our interview partner wants to stay anonymous, we do not name her here.

Additional help
This contribution was reviewed by Sonia Hemmerle, our English Teacher.
Many thanks to everyone who had helped to make this website post a good one.

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3 thoughts on “The everlasting tarpaulin bag

  1. It’s an interesting topic and I really liked how it was divided into different steps, so we can see the whole way of life of this kind of bag! It has a good structure.

  2. こんにちは。うちはおしゃれするのが好きで、最近は毎日ファッション誌を読んでいます。今欲しいのは、財布とバッグです。財布は人気のブランドではなく、素材重視で選びたいですね。ブランドならルイヴィトンやグッチが有名ですが、自分はココマイスターとか好きですね。今度の給料日に買ってみようかな。革は鹿革がいいですね。変わったものでは象革(エレファントレザー)の財布も重宝して面白そうですね。バッグは僕は、もう大人なので年齢に見合ったバケットバッグも視野に入れています。大きくて使いやすいバッグが好みです。男性ならマスターピースも良さそうな会社ではないでしょうか。このような長財布とオシャレなバッグとかを持ってディズニーランドに遊びに行きたいです。

  3. Dear Tarpaulin Bag Team

    You explained the process really well! We liked that you included at least one picture for every step of the process.

    We are happy that there is a company like FREITAG.

    Kadri, Dominique and Imre

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