Sustainable Investments – Investments for the future?

This article addresses the possibilities to invest money in companies, which are trying to support our environment. It is a win-win situation for the investors and our world.

This article is written by me (Emre Kesat) and I am working at the Raiffeisen Bank in Zurich, so this post is mostly related to my own experiences and the products of Raiffeisen.

Sustainable Investments

Switzerland is one of the best countries in financial belongings. Our banks have a really big influence on the world. It is impressive when you consider the influence of Switzerland and their size as a country. That is why I want to make a connection between our environment and our countries biggest strengths.

You want to earn money and help the companies who treat our environment and society responsibly and conduct their business ethically? Then the sustainable investments are the perfect product for you.

If you aren’t really informed about the Shares, Obligations, Stock exchange and financial market in general, there is a perfect product for people like you. You do not need to have knowledge, interest or time to invest in. You just invest your money and the rest is done by professionals. You can watch your results 24/7 because you have a transparency between the customer and the product. It is a perfect way to have an income over years, way better than let your money liquid on your bank account.

The product I talk about is a Fund. May you heard about it, it is really popular on the financial market. In the following picture you will see how a fund is structured.

Fund Structure
Fund Structure

Many investors are putting their money like into a pot and then from this pot the professional fund management invests this money in many companies from different industry sectors. Diversity is important, if one sector is having a bad time, you won’t lose much money because you always have another sector, which is having a better time. The statistics shows that you can have a decent profit over the years.

The main point is that there is funds which are only based on sustainable companies. The combination of traditional investment approaches and knowledge from the fields of ecology, social affairs and corporate governance (ESG for short) enables both global institutional investors and private individuals to pursue their investment goals in a sustainable manner.

In the following picture you will see a product from the Swiss bank Raiffeisen, which satisfies all criterias for a sustainable fund. This fund is only investing in sustainable SWISS companies.

Factsheet Fund Futura Swiss Stock
Factsheet Fund Futura Swiss Stock

Link Raiffeisen (

This is the factsheet, you can see under «Wertentwicklung» the growth of this fund over years. You can click on the link and then you have an overview of all funds, but not all of the are sustainable! Under «Grösste Aktienpositionen» you can see in which companies the money is invested in. All these companies are verified as sustainable companies from many rating agencies like Ethos or Inrate.

I want to show you another fund, also only with sustainable companies but this time with global companies. That means not just Swiss companies but companies all over the world.

Factsheet Fund Global Stock
Factsheet Fund Global Stock

Link Raiffeisen (

If you noticed, these funds are named with «futura», that is because this fund is ONLY with sustainable companies.

The difference here is that under the biggest Positions «Grösste Aktienpositionen» you see American companies like Alphabet or from Japan Tokyo Electron.

I want to mention again that you do not need any knowledge to invest, you can make an appointment with you local bank and ask them. You can set your criterias like only futura label companies or like you do not care about the environment you just want to make big profits and then your bank will show you some fund options. You can choose between them but I advise you to not forget our environment. But I  work also in a bank in the investment sector and I asked my colleagues, which are professional investment advisors, if they like the sustainable investment products. They replied with that they are one of the most sold products, investor are seeing the win-win situation. They earn money and help the futura companies.

I hope that I showed you a possible way to earn money and support our environment and future. So if you have money you do not need right now, you can consider to invest it and make some profits. A win-win situation for everyone. Important is that you know that you wont make profits all the time and really fast, it always depends on the social situation. But according to experience and statistics, you will make profit over a several years so go get it!

Emre Kesat


[1] E-Book Finanz- und Handelsgeschäft, Compendio Bildungsmedien AG

[1] Head Picture (
[2] Raiffeisen Factsheets (

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2 thoughts on “Sustainable Investments – Investments for the future?

  1. Dear Emre
    First of all, I think your head picture is great and very appealing, that was the reason why I clicked on your article. I am not really familiar with investing but with your article you convinced me. It’s a very exciting topic and your examples were very interesting. Moreover, it is written in a very simple and understandable way and I feel fully informed. What I would still be interested in is what the situation is like in the other countries and are there the same possibilities there? But really well done and a great job!

  2. Hi Emre,
    Honestly i am not really invested in financial topics since i dont know a great deal about it. But reading your contribution regarding the connection between a moneybank and our environment sure is a good point and. This could be the opportunity for business people to have a part in todays movements since this is in their interest.
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

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