Q36 – Movement



We have created a video which shows how much “energy” is produced while doing different sport arts and our interviewee tells us a little bit about this subject.

This project has taught us to combine different things, working under pressure because we have a lot of other tasks to do as well.

Technical & other infos:

– Camera: Nikon D750
– Program: iMovie
– Interviewee (Befragter): Philipp Engeler; Eidg. dipl. Fitness-Instruktor, Lehrlings-Ausbildner (www.fzw.ch)
– Rewied by Markus Egli (www.fzw.ch)


Content of information:

– Is it possible to produce energy while doing sports?
– Is it useful to collect the energy and reuse it?
– What do you have to do for how much energy?

Settings we would like to use:

– Outdoor (jogging, warm-up etc.)
– In the gym (cycling, swimming, etc.)


– To know how long/short a particular section of the video should be, so the attention is caught for the exact perfect amount of time
– To know if you have to make a particular part of the video slower or faster, so the effect is different
– To look that everything fits perfectly together, also the order of the different sections.

What you have to look at when you do a short movie:
– to decide what you want to have in your video
– How the whole video should get to the viewer/ how they should think about it
– What kind/how much of information you want to tell – you build the structure of the video respectively if it’s a fun or an informative video
– How many different sections/recorded parts you want to include
– How you want to blend out/blend in and separate the different sections

– Use as many different “effects” just as blending in a new part, in order to get a variation and to avoid a boring structure. But be careful, too much variation and different *effects* can get easily very disturbing and displeasing to the viewer.
– Mind that you include the recording time while editing the video, you may have to do a second recording day, because the first footage wasn’t really good enough for the whole video.
– Mind that you enjoy the whole process, if not, don’t do it, in my experience the video won’t be as good as if you’d enjoy the whole making/doing a video thing.

Sources we have used during our project:
Unit Conversion with Google (google.ch)
Energieverbrauch beim Sport (ernaehrung.de)
Leistung Masseinheiten umrechnen (umrechnung.org)
Was ist Functional Training? (fitogram.ch)
Energy and Work Unit Converter (unit-conversion.info)

By Alessandrina & Massimiliane – Team Q36

☷ See the project teams here »
☵ Some words about the contributions »
☴ Our sponsors and partners » (the-horse.education)

7 thoughts on “Q36 – Movement

  1. Dear colleagues

    I was really astonished by your great video,
    as I am doing sports by myself it matches my interest very much.
    Funnily, a few days ago when I was at the gym, my friend started discussing with me about exactly this topic and I could proudly tell him some information about your video and he totally agreed with me, in conclusion I have no criticism to add at all.

    I truly liked the guide on how to to a video, the next time I have to make one, I will catch up on this guide for sure!

    Keep the good work up girls!

    Best regards
    Loris Fortino, BMVZb

  2. Dear Team QV

    I am impressed that you took much of your freetime to make the video and I thought it was interesting to see how we could potentially produce energy.

    On the other hand, after watching the video and reading the text, I became lost in the main focus of the project. I was expecting to read more on the energy production of doing sports, yet I received a lesson on how to make the video instead. If I could give you an advice, it would be to have provided us with more information on your project, rather than the production of the film. However, the tips you gave us on making the video is exceptionally detailed and well made! Great job!

    I tried doing some research on your idea and topic, and because it is very original, I did not find much information to add. I find your choice of topic impressive because it is very unique.

    Overall, I liked that you interviewed a professional trainer and enjoyed what he had to say.

    Corinne Kälin

  3. Hello Maxi and Alessandrina

    Your video makes me relaxed, I think about the music in the background! A video looks so easy to do but I know there is a big effort behind it because you explained how to make one. With this information maybe I could to as well a video.
    The pictures are beautiful and the surroundings. Can you tell me where you made the video? I could not find it. Your examples are great like two people can´t effort with swimming a microwave, it is easy to unterstand it, with this informations. I know how hard it is to make subtitles and you made that great. Iam just really impressed by your project. incidentally it is my question. When I ask it, I thougt about it is interessting but really difficult to relply. You made a great job. Why do you chose these project?Additionally I liked that you explain how to make an video but you miss a personal touch in your project like a comment from you. Did you also consider?: When it is a big fitness center with a lot of bycicle generators maybe it can light the gym up. I know it is possible from my project, when you live without electrcity they use bicycle generators. Maybe that could be possible when they are aware of their using from electricty.
    Last but not least I dont understand the (-50khw) why you remove energy? Thank you for your effort I can feel that I know something more in my life.

    Wish you all the best

    Ylenia, VZ B

  4. Dear Team
    I like your project very much. I see you\’ve invested a lot of leisure in your work. Subtitles are very precisely positioned and well translated. Well done. The calculations are interesting, because you have always done a comparison. The -50% I do not quite understand, but on the whole you have done a super job.

    Jessica Manoranjan, VZb

  5. Hey girls!

    First of all: i think your video is very nice. It\’s an interesting and creative way to explain your question. Another good idea of you was to relate the energy facts with things of our daily life (toaster, microwave), because it makes it easier for me to understand what those units and numbers mean.
    I also like that you interviewed a professional. He said that he isn\’t a big fan of the idea. But what is your opinion? After this project, would you say that a fitness studio which stores the produced energy would make sense?
    Thank you for your good work, i like it and have no improvement ideas.

    all the best, larissa

  6. Dear Movement-Group
    In my opinion it is a very good idea to use a video for explaining the answers to you overall questions. Also that you included an interview with a professional. For each sport activity you showed the amount of energy you got out of it. In the written part of your contribution you explained a lot of how to make a video. I personally would like to know more about the calculation behind the project. You gave the links to your calculation-sources, but other (visual) examples would be nice. Also, I didn’t get why there is always a 50% discount in the showed calculations at the end of each activity (explanation). In general, I can see that you put a lot of effort in producing this great video and for me it is entirely comprehensible. Cheers!
    Robin Schlosser, VZ A

  7. Hi Ale and Maxi 🙂
    I think your contribution to energy movement is very interesting. I like the idea of using a video to explain how much energy you will get from the workout. I am impressed about the video and think you did a really good job. In the video you showed with how much stored energy you could light up the lightbulbs. What is your opinion about it? Do you think it would be worth spending money on machines like cross trainers who could generate its own electricity for a room?

    Sarah Keller

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